Topic started by Swaminathan N (@ infosys.inf.com) on Wed May 14 15:38:06 EDT 1997.
All times in EDT +9:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: Senthil (@ 1cust128.tnt1.white-plains.ny.da.uu.net)
on: Mon Mar 8 23:25:58 EST 1999
I have pasted the e-mail I received from RPO regarding IR's symphony.
From: "Tim"Save Address Block Sender
To: "'senthil_vinay@hotmail.com'"
Subject: FW: Hi symphony information required.
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 99 15:58:44 +0000
MIME-Version: 1.0
From andrewst@rpo.co.uk Mon Mar 8 08:12:27 1999
Received: (qmail 17115 invoked from network); 8 Mar 1999 16:12:25 -0000
Received: from rpo.easynet.co.uk (HELO rpo.co.uk) (
fig.mail.easynet.net with SMTP; 8 Mar 1999 16:12:25 -0000
Sender: "Tim"
Reply Reply All Forward Delete Previous Next Close
Thank you for your enquiry about Mr. Illayaraja' recording.
Regrettably, although it was recorded, the CD by Mr. Illayaraja was never
From: "senthil vinayagam"
Sent: 07 March 1999 21:09
Subject: Hi symphony information required.
My name is Senthil Vinayagam. I am originally from South India.I believe a symphony was orchestrated by Composer Mr. Illayaraja from TamilNadu, India. To my source, The symphony was conducted my Mr. John scott in 1993. I would like the know the status of that symphony. I am an adherent fan of
Illayaraja. Any information regarding this symphony will make me happy.
Awaiting your reply.
Now to forum
I know this issue is long-standing and outstanding for us. Although this mail information is repeatative of what we know, it shows that symphony done by IR is not goof. Maestro might have some difficuly in releasing the symphony, you and me might never know what the actual problem is. Although I welcome all types critics, there is difference between critic and absolute derision.
I strongly disagree with the derision attributed to one of the greatest music director of our land.
please don't pass comments after reading vannathirai, gemini Cinema & what not. Let us acknowledge the work of IR and pay tribute to his works and please avoid characterization of IR and also other MD's. Are you sure Beethoven was a mahatama?. Nobody is, including you and me. So, let us learn to see art as art.
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Tue Mar 9 08:58:39 EST 1999
Hi guys,
Personally I have no qualms about whether Raja paid PRO to get his symphony recorded or RPO 'commissioned' Raja. Raja is not known outside India.
Let us not forget that HTNI and NBW were not 'commissioned' works - Raja got them recorded and obviously paid Hariprasad Chaurasia to play his compositions. So Raja paying RPO to play his compositions is not bad thing (though creating false impressions that he was commissioned by RPO is despicable). In fact if Raja felt he had to get a top notch orchestra like RPO to record his symphony indicates the confidence he must have had in his work.
We all spending our time and energy speculating about Raja's symphony and for all we know it might be a simple case of astrology. I mean visiRi sAmiyAr might have told Raja that 2000 or 2001 is the best time to release the symphony ! I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case.
- From: Gokul (@ gatekeeper.ohioedison.com)
on: Tue Mar 9 10:36:25 EST 1999
visiRi sAmiyAr.!!. :)))
- From: SitaRam (@ portal.ameritech.com)
on: Tue Mar 9 12:14:27 EST 1999
Senthil, you join the elite league of Madhan, Geetha who have managed to contact RPO. Thanks much, Sir. We need a few thousands from this forum to go after the RPO, so that they go after IR and then IR goes after his recording company and then the recording company release the highly mysterious production of the 20th century.
- From: Madhan, Goa (@
on: Tue Mar 9 14:13:55 EST 1999
DO you have VISIRI SAMIYAR's address ?!
I would like to write to him, or even personally meet him and enquire about the SYMPHONY !!
If possible, we can arrange a POO (THEE) MIDHI function , or , a Yagna ( a la ASHWAMEDHA YAAGAM), or, a walk to the SAMIYAR's abode like a pilgrimage , to please him and get the desired news or even persuade him to request IR to release the SYMPHONY !!
- From: bb (@ schubert.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Tue Mar 9 14:38:09 EST 1999
madhan, may be u can write to rabri devi too.
- From: SitaRam (@ portal.ameritech.com)
on: Tue Mar 9 15:11:05 EST 1999
A serious question- Can someone please answer this? Does IR have a guiness book of world records for the following:
Fastest composer of a film song?
Fastest composer of BGM
Highest number of songs composed in a day?
Highest number of films music composed for?
Fastest composer of a Symphony (1 month)
Biggest orchestration for any film song?
Most number of cassette/record/cd sales for any composer?
Most difficult composition ever done? etc.
Highest number of hits for any composer?
Maximum number of languages music composed?
At least does he not have these records in India?
- From: Srinath (@ spider-wi034.proxy.aol.com)
on: Tue Mar 9 15:57:06 EST 1999
Most number of cassette/record/cd sales for any composer? is worth a shot.
But I don't really care much for the Guinness Book of World Records, especially after seeing people squirting milk out of their eyes and hammering boards to their noses ! The GBOR is largely populated by freaks. I'd much rather IR got atleast a mention in the Grammys or whatever globally recognized award there is for music.
BTW, I noticed a letter from a Karthik Narasimhan in Rediff requesting them to write an article on IR. Maybe it is a DFer, perhaps "Clarify". Whoever it is, I fully support your request and have also earlier written to Rediff. Let's hope Rediff runs behind IR and pressurizes him to come out with atleast an explanation for the delay of the Symphony.
- From: Srinath (@ spider-wi034.proxy.aol.com)
on: Tue Mar 9 15:58:31 EST 1999
Since SR Kaushik and Srikanth appear to have access to KR, why doesn't one of them go ahead and ask point blank what the reason for the delay is ? Atleast IR's children must know the reason !
- From: Neels (@
on: Tue Mar 9 16:00:10 EST 1999
These are sure records. How does one get this info through to Guinness?
Also, when you said 'Fastest composer of a film song', 'Fastest composer of BGM', and 'Biggest orchestration for any film song', which ones were you referring to? I'm curious to know.
- From: SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Tue Mar 9 16:08:50 EST 1999
Srinath: I don't know how you formed the impression that I know KR but sorry- I'm as much a stranger to him as you are.
Only Srikanth told me he had some contact with KR and was nevertheless unable to contact him since he (KR) was too busy.
- From: SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Tue Mar 9 16:09:04 EST 1999
Srinath: I don't know how you formed the impression that I know KR but sorry- I'm as much a stranger to him as you are.
Only Srikanth told me he had some contact with KR but was nevertheless unable to contact him since he (KR) was too busy.
- From: Srinath (@ spider-wi034.proxy.aol.com)
on: Tue Mar 9 16:35:49 EST 1999
SR Kaushik:
Sorry about that goof-up. But if memory serves me right I remember that you had mentioned either talking to or having the need to talk to KR regarding the sponsoring of an IR album and so assumed that you knew KR personally. Actually, I know some people who know some other people who are acquainted with IR or KR distantly. Maybe I can make some inquiries myself ! Some here have even met IR personally (Anand Mahadevan ?). Perhaps they might know someone from IR's inner circle. Atleast we now know (thanks Madhan, Geetha and Sendhil) that it is out of RPO's hand and purely at IR discretion to release the Symphony.
Does anyone know what the commercial life of a Symphony is ? That is, what happens to Symphonies that are composed by other composers. Are they released in cassettes or are they performed live by Orchestras or do they have to undergo a period of incubation before they hatch out into a full-fledged product ?
I remember IR saying at some public function (saw it on T.V) soon after his return from London, that he was greatly indebted to the Tamizh makkals and then he broke down crying saying that he could not have achieved anything without the support of the Tamizh makkal ! If he meant a word of it, it is high time he came out with atleast an explanation for the delay !
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Tue Mar 9 18:01:13 EST 1999
Since popularizing IR internationally is in cahoots with releasing his symphony, how about this grand plan, guys? Why don't we invite IR to a high-profile city like New York, Chicago or Boston, which has a famous orchestra and have him debut his symphony there. This way he gets introduced with a bang and the symphony can even be released as a live recording. Now, this would be worth IR's while to make a trip for and would be possible since it's always a privilege for most orchestras to air a composer's debut.
Entering the international music arena as a classical composer is a lot more prestigious than as a movie composer. This way, IR can branch off into Hollywood or Broadway or wherever he aims to go musically.
- From: kiru (@ surf0004.sybase.com)
on: Tue Mar 9 18:21:45 EST 1999
Good idea. But usually the Orchestra does not produce a work by an unknown composer like IR. So we have to talk to the Orchestra people about sponsoring this might just involve selling the tickets for a few shows. Usually the orchestra tickets are costlier (alteast $30 or $40) and I am not sure whether the Indian folks here would shell it out.
Like you, I have been racking my brains about IR+Orchestra for a while.
It would have been nice if Western Classical Music was a little bit more popular in India itself.
- From: Raja Fan (@ spider-tp081.proxy.aol.com)
on: Tue Mar 9 21:18:25 EST 1999
Kiru's idea is excellent! How to approach the symphonies?
- From: Anand Mahadevan (@ tnt01-abe-177.fast.net)
on: Tue Mar 9 22:36:48 EST 1999
As far as I know the only hitch is copyright problems.This is from the inner circle of IR.
I did'nt have the guts to ask IR about this and this thought did cross my mind in the 40 min session with IR.
The symphony was recorded by RPO at a church in suburbs of London.Am not sure about the second symphony.Infact they even recorded it twice as the conductor was so impressed by the composition,ofcourse with due consent from IR.
All the players personally took a copy of the notations as they thought it was brilliant.
This is as far as I could get.
We need to find ,which company has the rights and what are the copyright problems.Am sure with IR's business acumen he could have botched it up with the deal.
My personal hunch is that its caught in some legal tangles and hence the delay in the release.Am sure IR has the master copy but he's bound by some contract which prohibts him from releasing it to the public.
Guess folks like Geetha(whom I presume resides in London) can personally contact John scott and enquire on the status.Am sure John scott would'nt be a stranger in the western clasical world.
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