Topic started by Srikanth (@ passport.proxy.lucent.com) on Mon Sep 15 10:23:15 EDT 1997.
All times in EDT +9:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: Hrishikesh (@
on: Mon Jul 12 12:59:43 EDT 1999
When I say rat-race ,I mean every MD in TFM trying to reach the top by some means or the other with people blatantly copying , bringing singers from other states , etc Hope this answers ur query ?????
- From: vijay (@
on: Mon Jul 12 14:18:26 EDT 1999
u said it. songs like 'mile sur mera tumhaara' that appeared in DD a few years back were very popular, musically rich and evoked more patriotic feelings. ARR's vande maataram might be musically rich but it fails to evoke any patriotic feelings, atleast in me.
- From: Sabesan (@ ws-209-233-228-121.webvangroup.com)
on: Mon Jul 12 14:28:27 EDT 1999
Hrishikesh i was saying about only ESK.... i read in one of the tamil magazines on the net about the FREE CD being added after some time when the sales did not move at all... iam pretty much sure about that.... but do u say that the FREE stuff was not part of ESK in india?????
hai vijay "musically rich"?????? -)-)-)-)-)-)
vimal the same thing that iam wondering - the people's rasaaanai has changed.... whether its for good or bad is debatable.... all IR fans call it (very very) bad and all ARR fans call it (very very) good....
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Mon Jul 12 15:04:11 EDT 1999
I fail to understand what you're doing in this thread. I regrettably read your long irrelevant post which for the millionth time reiterates the usual array of insults on ARR. If that's your calling in life, fine, go do it in an appropriate thread, there are several ditches dug up for your kind, you only have to go the Archives to find them. Get your hot and bothered self into one of those threads and start slinging mud there, I'm sure like-minded folks will join you and enjoy the exchanges. This thread is titled, "New Releases by ARR"; I believe it is one of the easiest thread titles to understand and follow. In case you didn't understand this is where people can get information on new releases.
This same sorry situation exists in the "IR's new albums" thread. Can't you gangbangers at least leave these two threads alone so that the respective fans can get news on the new releases by both these artists? It's no fun to walk into either thread and read a profound review of a new release summed up poetically as "sucks".
What are you hoping for? An ovation for your supreme musical taste? If you felt you had impeccable taste then why do you want others to agree with you? Is your own conviction on what's good a bit shaky that you need others to pat you on the back and tell you that you have good taste? Or is venting publicly the way you get off everyday?
- From: Connie (@
on: Mon Jul 12 17:11:42 EDT 1999
Now this is a strange request. I'm married to a wonderful guy - who is a Tamilian and a die hard ARR fan (so am I). I'm a Goan and _do not_ understand a single word of Tamil but I absolutely love the Sangamam songs. Can somebody please email me (or tell me where I can find) the lyrics of the song, "Soumkiyamma" I wanna impress my husband by singing an entire song to him :) Also if anyone could tell me where I can find "En Swasa Katriye" (sorry for the typos) lyrics. Love, love, love the songs - "Niagra and Patambuchi" - whatever :). Thanks a million.
- From: puls (@
on: Mon Jul 12 20:46:57 EDT 1999
He composes music immaterial of the situation or the ambience involved
in the story. I never know of any Brahmin lady singing "Ottakatha Kattikko..". Can any couple from the country side sing
a duet with the beats more or less similar to MJ's "Who is it"? Well, you got the answer in the song "Athangara
vimal so what if he creates music immaterial of the situation? what is your point? you are getting into such kind of an arguement which I am sure will take all of us no where. Can you prove that the genius and creative IR has given every song according to the situation? Be carefull of what you wish for man..there will be people who can come up with 100's of sings that are pure crap and do not fit the situation in any manner.
As long as the rhythm is catchy I am sure there are lot of music lovers like me who will be glad to listen to any song by any music director. oh BTW sangamam is worth listening a million times just for "Vaaraga" and "Maargazhi thingal". And I am still trying to find out where it resembles "kannalanae".
The last 2 pages you have just trashed ARR and done nothing else. Like U said please take your trash and post it in the appropriate thread.
My question is do u have one? If so without being biased, make your posts more objective :-) maybe it will make better sense to all of us.I guess all you do is try to find out which song of IR and DEVA resembles or it atta copied from other songs. no one is perfect including y/our maestro so why the hell argue and trash others unnecessarily? Make this a better place/forum to discuss rather exchange meaningless info.hope u will agree with me.
- From: MS (@
on: Mon Jul 12 21:58:10 EDT 1999
Udhaya, paavam Vimal :-)
- From: MS (@
on: Mon Jul 12 22:01:01 EDT 1999
Please check out:
You have sangamam mp3s in this site.
- From: NOV (@ bkj-cache80.jaring.my)
on: Mon Jul 12 22:46:51 EDT 1999
MS - Save your sympathies for the more needy. :-)))
Udhaya - I would have been more subtle, but you have expressed my feelings exactly.
The world will be a more peaceful place to live in, if people can express their opinions, without fear of ridicule. Why insult someone else whose taste is different from yours?
I always feel that such venomous postings are brought about by their own sense of insecurity.
Puls - Fancy meeting you here. :-))
You could gone easy on the unnecesary reference to IR. The fact remains that IR does not need to prove anything else, anymore.
Connie - Look at the lyrics thread, in a few minutes. I will post the lyrics for Soukiyama there.
- From: Gopal (@
on: Mon Jul 12 22:55:51 EDT 1999
The trailors of ARR's 1947 are out. The music could be released by T-Series any day now.
- From: MS (@
on: Mon Jul 12 23:19:49 EDT 1999
I have a lot of them inreserve :-)
- From: Vimal (@ atrium-pc11.inre.asu.edu)
on: Tue Jul 13 00:54:54 EDT 1999
Mr.Udhaya and Mr.Vijai,
I just don't get it. Can you just elucidate about the meaning of the word "Discussion"? In your point of view, the forum should be like :
ARRF1: Sangamam songs are out. Songs 1 and 4 are nice, 2 and 3 are very very nice and song no.5 is the nicest of the nice.
ARRF2: Good review, ARRF1, but I liked 2 in the first hearing. It is growing on me.
ARRF3: When I met Rags( so-close) in (You know where), he personally told me that he was gonna try the ancient spanish style of la thapatho. He's proved himself again ".
Just bland. Now I tell you, if you just want to review ARR's new releases, go to the NEW ALBUMS IN TFM forum.
A discussion is an exchange of ideas. It is not a joint statement. Talking about musical taste, with all humility, I'd like to say I'm convinced mine is good enough to distinguish between the good and the bad. Please notice that I've not attacked anyone personally. When I questioned about (Y)our musical taste, I didn't had anyone specific in my mind. I meant the whole of TFM fans. People like Deva are rooling the roost.
- From: Vimal (@ atrium-pc11.inre.asu.edu)
on: Tue Jul 13 00:58:16 EDT 1999
Just to add,
Everyone is entitled to express his/her views in this forum, if I'm correct. I review ARR from my perspective. Morevoer, I personally feel many of IR's albums after Dhalapathi are Trash. Period.
- From: Sabesan (@ snfcb612-35.splitrock.net)
on: Tue Jul 13 01:50:48 EDT 1999
yeah Vimal, that's what people here expects i believe.... hello Udhaya and others why can't be there a -ve criticism.... Vimal does'nt like it and so he says so.... just because its called "ARR new releases" or "IR new releases", that does'nt mean that u should hear only +ve points in this thread.... do u want to hear only "jalra" sathams my friends?????
NOV there should be peace, agreed.... but should'nt anyone criticise anyone else.... i dont get that......
- From: NOV (@
on: Tue Jul 13 02:09:30 EDT 1999
Vimal & Sabesan - Your postings are begging for rebuttals.
But I shall keep it to just this one.
Criticise as much as you want. We all understand that you see something in it ("it" being a IR album for a HCARRF and an ARR album for a HCIRF) worthwhile, to spend time, money and effort in buying, listening, forming an opinion and sharing your views with everyone here.
There has been plenty of negative criticisms on both sides. Go into old responses and see how people have handled that, pleasantly enough.
But please, please - don't deride anyone's taste for having a contrary opinion to yours.
Now, let's call for a truce and continue with discussing new albums.
- From: vijay (@
on: Tue Jul 13 02:21:48 EDT 1999
why have you included my name in your posting? i have only agreed with your view regarding Vande maataram;))
- From: Ravi (@ tide72.microsoft.com)
on: Tue Jul 13 03:03:04 EDT 1999
Just was curious and followed the trail of heated conversation.
"What the hell happened to your taste" in Music terms equates to "Unga arivu enna mazhungi pocha" in a casual conversation. IMHO, it is not proper "Netiquette" - perhaps it wasn't meant to hurt anyone but there is a chance that people can misunderstand.
I guess we should update the "Yaakaavarayinum naa kaakka" kuraL to "yaakaavarayinum viral kakka" so as to fit the internet.
- From: MS (@
on: Tue Jul 13 03:59:52 EDT 1999
The point is simple. you may write, but in the appropriate thread. the appropriate thread for ARR bashing is : "Is ARR running out of stuff?" IMHO, Udhaya you had been a bit too harsh, but still your point is valid.
You can say a NEW ARR album (like padayappa for me :-)) is not upto your (my) expectations and all those stuff. But , please do not dig the archived albums like "Vandhe Maatharam" in this thread. I think this is what NOV and Udhaya are trying to convey (?).
- From: MS (@
on: Tue Jul 13 04:00:41 EDT 1999
the second pragraph is addressed to Vimal..
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