Topic started by RAJAN (@ on Thu Jan 22 22:20:06 EST 1998.
All times in EDT/EST +9:30/10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: Observer (@
on: Thu Oct 29 22:46:43 EST 1998
Mano which album are you talking about? I don't have the song on my cassette and buddy confirms it is not on his CD either. Where did you get the info from?
- From: Observer (@
on: Thu Oct 29 22:47:09 EST 1998
Mano which album are you talking about? I don't have the song on my cassette and buddy confirms it is not on his CD either. Where did you get the info from?
- From: nesan (@
on: Thu Oct 29 23:06:47 EST 1998
Does anybody know who is the MD for Charuhassan's
next venture "IPC 215"? I remember reading that it
was IR. Can anybody confirm that?
- From: MPR (@
on: Thu Oct 29 23:09:12 EST 1998
I'm experiencing problems listening to
MVU songs on that site. Anybody has got
through it?
- From: MSK (@
on: Thu Oct 29 23:16:26 EST 1998
I just now tried MPR.. but no luck.. seems to be having some problems..
- From: S.P MAHENDRAN (@
on: Thu Oct 29 23:54:37 EST 1998
Hello Guys...!
Why all of you hate IR songs?Recently IR is giving super hits and quality songs.When all of you said Ponnuvethukaran and MVU are dissappointing one,when I bought it,the music are execelent one.More people in this discussion forum do not well know about music.IR's Dharma and Senthooram are really best.I like all songs from Dharma,Senthooram,Ponnuvethukaran and MVU.IR tunes for all of this movie are out of this world.Raja is really a expert one in music industries.I'm only can give rewiew about IR's "Thodarum"tamil movie songs after I bought this album.So guys,try to give true response about IR new album.IR is just like 'Guru' of music to all of us.
There is no other person who can became as popular or as great as IR.This is 100% true.Okey my friends...!Are there any other new album which one IR going to score music.Please inform to this discussion forum.Is IR going to join together again with Fazil,Maniratnam,Balu Mahendra,K.Balachander,Bhagyaraj,Bharathiraja,Mahendran and other leading directors.What will happen to IR and VM combination in the future?Are they will work together?For IR,music is a simple thing.IR really a genius.IR is best ever was and best ever will be.IR's DG is excelent one.There is no word to describe about IR music in this movie.IR background music is also touch my heart.I like IR very much.
- From: srikanth (@
on: Fri Oct 30 08:53:04 EST 1998
I saw a ad which offers 130 acers of land for a very low price near Aurora,IL - how about building a temple for IR.
BTW:I saw senthuram yesterday, I repeat the same comment I posted for Dharma. (bayangara Kodumai).
Simply cannot accpet junk work as music, even though it is from Raja. Why the hell he accepts such movies.
- From: Mano (@
on: Fri Oct 30 08:58:43 EST 1998
I am talking about MVU. There was two combination with MVU. One is MVU/Thalaatu and the other one is MVU/Mainar Maapillai. Both of them are released by Ramy Records atleast in Canada. MVU/MM combination album's first song is deivam by Krishna raj. It says it's not a original, but a remastered song.
- From: Mano (@
on: Fri Oct 30 09:09:01 EST 1998
Sri Kanth:
Well said. I don't know why people believe that If you are fan of someone, you have to accept everything as a great source. Definitely IR is not giving some good numbers. Good numbers mean, at least quite number of people have to appreciate it. Moreover, I found most of IR's recording isn't great. I'm not talking about his ability nor his creativity. I am talking about the companies who market IR's Music. I found that Poonthootam has defects such as at high frequencies, you hear the sh... noise in the background. I believe, atleast IMO, Ramy, Bhasky, DB does not provide a good quality CD's. Pyramid, OMI do provide excellent albums in terms of quality of recording itself. Examples would be Vaali, Nilave Vaa, Jeans etc. IR should focus on who is marketting his works.
IR is known for changing the Copy rights more frequently. In Early Days, ECHO owns most of IR's work, hence the recordings were simply excellent. Then IR started his own company, which he couldn't succeed then moved to AVM. AVM wasn't bad at all compared to other companies. Then he moved back to Prasad, where he used to compose music. I don't know who owns his works, but definitely he should focus on it.
- From: vijay (@
on: Fri Oct 30 11:32:33 EST 1998
who decides the marketing aspect of the
cassettes, the company etc.? is it the producer or the composer?
- From: SR Kaushik (@
on: Fri Oct 30 11:44:16 EST 1998
Srikanth: I agree that one musn't deify IR. I watched Dharma too (mainly for music and also bcos it was supposed to be a remake of a hit Hindi film) and I returned with a headache. But there are certainly even worse compositions of IR. Watch the movie "Police Custody" *ing Vijaykanth. Its the lousiest of lousy films and IR's songs rank among the worst (drawing comparisons with the current crop of Hindi MDs).
- From: Mano (@
on: Fri Oct 30 12:17:10 EST 1998
Who took Echo out from the Film world? It's definitely IR. If IR Can compose good music, then he should make sure that his works reaches qualitatively to the listeners. How can he does that? I don't know that but if he can pull out the copy rights from ECHO, he should be able to find some companies who could produce good quality of cassetts and CD's.
- From: SitaRam (@
on: Fri Oct 30 12:42:41 EST 1998
I am with you in building a temple for IR. But for his favorite dieties it should be. I would think of building an library of Taamil Film Music, tracking down all documents, all anecdotes, all records etc atleast for IR's. This is a monumental effort.
- From: Krishna (@
on: Fri Oct 30 15:59:32 EST 1998
Just because two of you did not like dharma and sendhooram, why do you guys take on SP mahendran..Guys, if all you want is Haira haira..why dont you guys leave us alone and go hear to that type of music. I liked the songs in dharma..iru Kanagal, Dhinam un mugam (I thought was brilliant composition..these are the type of compositions which make me not respect the guys who do the Haira Hairas..), manakum sandhaname..the same with sendhooram..the IR sung songs,the solo, the one with the woman laughings, the one with sunderajan, the malaysia vasudevban song and chitra's songs were refreshing and great..But probably you guys only like the synthetic simialr sounding stuff that is advice go listen to that stuff from others...don't criticize IR as if you guys are the conneisuers of music and the know alls but the ones who like Raja's music or Raja does not know anything. If all you want is mediocre, synthetic, similar sounding stuff..if you dont like Raja's songs, here's your choice...dont listen to it...Raja does not not need your approval or establish his greatness..Beat it, guys!
- From: vijay (@
on: Fri Oct 30 16:39:56 EST 1998
cool down, iam a hardcore fan of IR'music too.
everyone is entitled to express his or her opinions in this forum. srikanth and others have expressed their opinions that's all. srikanth has also appreciated guru and has reviewed it in detail in another thread. if u feel that his opinions do not truly reflect the true quality of music then u have every right to put down u'r opinions and argue with him in a more milder manner.
it's time for IR's fans to stop living in a fantasy world and come out and realize the truth.
if i compare IR's songs with that of other MD's today like ARR, deva etc. i still feel that he can call himself the numero uno in the industry today, IMO.
but his songs today pale in comparison with those from the early eighties barring a few like
guru, KM, MVU etc, again IMO.
let us try to be more critical in our reviews but at the same time being careful not to hurt others sentiments.
i personally feel that words like 'trash', 'crap' etc. should be used minimally in a review and at the same time overpraising (like what Mr.S.P.mahendran does) IR REPEATEDLY like 'god', 'brahma',
'lord of the music world', etc. should be avoided
as it starts sounding really cheap after some time and some times it brings about a feeling of revulsion. being a IR fan i myself cannot bear such mindless fanaticism which is being exhibited in this thread.
- From: srikanth (@
on: Fri Oct 30 17:30:36 EST 1998
Mr.Krishna - this is how fans of other mds feel when HC fans crib on all the song other mds do.
Eg:VM was thrown like a dogs meat here.
Songs of Dharam and senduram - musically they are 3rd rated songs in all aspects. Thats all I can say, we hear 3rd songs only from Deva and not from Raja.
SPM has been performing pooja for Raja thats why I suggested him to build a temple.
- From: krishna (@
on: Fri Oct 30 17:33:17 EST 1998
I generally do not participate in these discussions because it is pointless..what appears to be great music for someone else looks appears pedestrian to me etc. and vice versa. And people who cast their opinion here state it based on their no one is either correct or wrong.
But where I have a problem is when people pretend to be connesieurs or superior so they can constantly degrade IR or Raja's fans like SP Mahendran because they, in their opinion, do not think highly of Raja's music. State your opinion, make your choice and go listen to whatever you like. But to pick on SP Mahendran and saying he should build a temple..the same could be said of these guys who talk about ARR in similar to me, in my opinion, that looks exaggerated too.
Even your comments on living in a are now judging that since I like IR's music now or I like Dharma or Sendhooram I live in a fantasy world because you, in your opinion, don't like these songs.
In my opinion, I look at IR's compositions and their brilliance and it for me outdoes anything else I am hearing these days. But I don't go around calling ARR and their fans names because they like that type of music.
To your other point being numero uno, it does'nt matter. Raja had been numero uno for many number of years so it doesnt matter to him either. As a fan of his music, I don't care if the others like his music or not as long as I derive pleasure from his music. Also the numero uno thing does not tell anything about quality. For example, MGR was elected as CM by a huge majority of people in Madras (one time when he could'nt even speak)..what does that mean..In my opinion, still that was a dumb choice..just becuase many people chose one thing it does not mean that it is better..same with Indira Gandhi..people through out the country voted for her..doesnt mean to me that she was good. Now with the Sonia fever.. though a lot of peole in India think it is me the whole thought sounds stupid.
Thats the value I give to someone being popular or being numero uno..just because a majority of people like someone else other than does'nt mean to me or to the SP Mahendrans or IR fans that the other one is better or IR is inferior. Well if you are the one who voted for those choices, great..go listen to whatever music you like..It might be that SP Mahendran really considers IR as God of Music..Why is that wrong...I read his comments and i chucle and go on...if you dont like you dont have to worship him..
Sorry, my point is express your opinion on a song or an album or your favorites but when you want to get personal on someone because they like IR's music or albums that you dont like..that irritates me.
- From: Krishna (@
on: Fri Oct 30 17:40:42 EST 1998
Mr. srikanth:
In your opinion Dharma and sendhooram could have been 3rd rate..but it does not mean it is...well, that's how I felt about Jeans in my opinion..pedestrian...I did'nt go around arguing, insulting ARR or anyone who felt Jeans was a good album because opinions differ. If SP Mahendran wants to do pooja to IR why is that wrong. Should compliments only go to ARR?
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