Topic started by RAJAN (@ proxy-122.iap.bryant.webtv.net) on Thu Jan 22 22:20:06 EST 1998.
All times in EDT/EST +9:30/10:30 for IST.
A new Ilayaraja album is a cause for celebration with many among us. Let everyone share in the revelry. Review, discuss or comment on new IR albums.
Check the IR reviews page
- Old responses
- From: MusicMouse (@
on: Tue Oct 29 13:52:01 EST 2002
SMK songs just melting me
Everyday nights I am living with SMK songs
- From: p.p.j. (@
on: Tue Oct 29 14:54:20 EST 2002
saththiyama enakku theriyaathu (about a CD of Kaathal Saathi/Ivan combo). I would guess there should be a CD version as well.
(I usually buy cassttes, because I do most of the listening in my car)
But I'll tell you 'unnai maranthaalum' from KS is an absolute gem.
- From: K (@
on: Tue Oct 29 15:50:05 EST 2002
With regards to Are Yaar's posting, my perception of what is happening in the forum is totally different. Right from the mid-90s, there was more IR trashing and ARR -boosting than the other way around.
The moral of the story is that ARR-fanatics like Are Yaar think it is justified to exhibit their lowly side in IR threads by trashing IR and provoking a response because IR fans did it first.
And Ir fans feel that it was the ARR fans who started it all.
Don't you see the stupidity of the scenario? A less ignorant person would just let it go!
- From: Alai (@
on: Tue Oct 29 16:13:48 EST 2002
Again It has happened, Saathiya released today and we already got MP3 for it. While for April Madhatil, Bala, Mounam Pesaythe and SMK , after countless request no one is able to provide MP3s.
Whatever IR fans may say, ARR fans really know how to spread ARR music or atleast demand and supply in ARR fans is excellent.
While IR fans just keep telling, the music is excellent, but no one wants to take time and share it.
I know people will jump telling that we should buy cassette and listen, but it is our luck we don't get any cassette where we live and hence have to wait, till some website actually puts it for sale.
Atleast now someone provide us with the music, or atleast agree that ARR are truly to be appreciated for their work
- From: s0 (@
on: Tue Oct 29 16:59:43 EST 2002
ppj : thanks anyway. I hope to hop by Singapore next time I go to India. the shops there had unbelievable combos not available in India.
Kiru: good post. K made a good point in another thread about the changes in the market.
imho, it all points to a gradual trend of homogenization of cultures due to the strong preference of predominantly western style of life and behaviour. slowly we are losing the little vestigial "Indian-ness" in us and replacing it with supposed hip & modern western customs. music is just one of the aspects that are evolving. Language is another major feature that gets changed gradually. Throughout the world, english is gradually taking over the urban tongue with its own native versions (Indian-English, for eg)
It is us who are physically out of touch with the Indian-ness that try to grapple at anything that we think will help us reunite psychologically with the Indian-ness we miss. we tend to stick to what we perceive as our old values and try to rewind evolution. call it an identity crisis or even senility, but we can't really cure it.
ultimately, whether evolution is bad or not lies in the minds of the beholder. change doesn't care, it just happens.
- From: S.P MAHENDRAN (@
on: Tue Oct 29 20:32:23 EST 2002
- From: Cinemavil ethellam sagajamappa (@
on: Tue Oct 29 23:37:51 EST 2002
SPM, there was earlier news during EMV, that Oscar is showering prises for IR, he even started putting lots of cutout for IR, also for Ramana, IR going to Austria for BG score. What suddenly happened!.
- From: Musicologist (@
on: Wed Oct 30 00:30:36 EST 2002
Hi Friends,
I was listening to "Thalattum Katrae...." from Devan...
Why there is a strong similarity even in tune from "Malaiyoram Mayilae Vilaiyadum Kuyilae Vilaiyattai Cholli Thandhadhu Yaru....."
What is the Raaga involved?
- From: Saran (@
on: Wed Oct 30 03:52:32 EST 2002
Thanks Vel! How are you?
And reg SMK, all the songs are really superb. My pick is PaNam mattum vAzhkkaiyaa...
Other songs are pretty nice, esp Kaatula thalaiyaatura...
Raja is back again!!!
- From: Vel (@
on: Wed Oct 30 05:44:36 EST 2002
Saran,I am doing fine. Thanks.
Hey saran, u have made a unique choice amongst the SMK songs. I like it too. Give me anything, in IR's voice. :-)
Kaatula thalaiaatura is as natural & simple a tune can ever be. Appadiye oru kaattu nadhi pondra pravaham.
Regarding "thalaatum kaatre", it follows shankarabharanam + Ni2. Anyways, I'll let u know after another try tonite. 'Malaiyoram Mayile' is kalyani.
Peter Pan,
I remember u saying "Vennilavin perai maatrava" is natai/jog. Charanam'la 'bhageshri/sriranjani' maadhiri irukku. Can u give ur thoughts.
- From: sriram (@
on: Wed Oct 30 05:59:22 EST 2002
Here we go now starting again Thaalam.com
one and only web on the top
- From: Kiru (@
on: Wed Oct 30 06:14:08 EST 2002
After thinking hard and seriously, I think Are Yaar has some valid points. Much as we hate to admit, we IR fans have not managed to contain the over enthusiatic ones among us. I know that we are not responsible for every action of IR fans, I personally am dismayed at what length they would go to tarnish ARR particularly.
This trend is not healthy and does not augur well for the industry. ARR brought music to the next level after MS and IR and nothing any of us can say is going to take away that.
IR's performance lately also has been very discouraging and I think we are not helping him by constantly praising his works, so that even he has started to belief that people will swallow whatever he produces.
From my contacts in India, I gather that IR is still surrounded by yes-man. This is not healthy and we should be courageous enough to admit that he has lost out. Only when IR himself accepts this, will we able to see improvement on his part.
Until then, it is best that we do not incur the wrath of ARR fans and the resuting Are Yaars.
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Wed Oct 30 06:22:42 EST 2002
Nice to see you people react. But, these advices to me could have come little earlier in the forum in the form of advices to your mates. What to do? You look back only when some one hits you. You aren't bothered about your neighbour. Good. Be it.
Some one asked me what's the proof. What better proof ddo you need that Baba Music thread. Your threads have not been spoiled even 10% of the what you guys did in that thread. My point is not that..I want you to realise this...have you realised that...I doubt.
Ambleen today re-reposted my own post again in another thread. He seems to attack many threads...will you still advice me show restraint...
Well..I will show restraint this time...but again I am not going to lose any thing from that...but watch out you own men are digging grave for you poeople. Instead of discussing about SMK you people are advising/attacking me. I wanted that.
I will stop this here and hope the Sathiya discussion will not be spoiled by some filthy posts. Or else...you know I have only one way.
YOUR ACTIONS will determine this THREAD's consequence.
One more point...I won't attack diff. IR thread as ambleen or AWE. Got it.
- From: Kiru (@
on: Wed Oct 30 06:25:15 EST 2002
Are Yaar, please stop. I think everyone here have learnt our lessons. We will enjoy what we like and you enjoy what you like. Let the music speak for itself.
- From: Vel (@
on: Wed Oct 30 09:08:54 EST 2002
:-) Kiru, oru posting waste panniteengale :-). But i liked ur punchline,"Let the music speak for itself."
Neat !!!!
- From: Awe (@
on: Wed Oct 30 09:42:29 EST 2002
Are Yaar... you know what i don't care a damn whether you attack IR thread or not. Who cares? The reasons you give are childish. That's why i had to comment about your maturity. I like IR music. Even now his 80 songs give me more satisfaction than the songs of 2002 from any MD. I don't care how he scores music these days. Your theory is "You attack so i attack".. This is total bull.. Are Yaar.. You behave as if ARR is a king sitting in a castle and you are a watchman outside the castle. Grow up man.. What are you afraid of? Some IR fan will convert all ARR fans into IR fans? Is that what you are afraid of? Don't feel insecure. Just worry about yourself. Don't worry about ARR and his other fans. ARR and IR have enough money to feed their family. First step you should take is stop being a slave to ARR. He is not feeding you.
- From: Karthik (@
on: Wed Oct 30 10:10:11 EST 2002
Jeez guys - cant you see through something as thin as Are Yaar's facade? Him and his ilk survive by picking fights -- and it is sad to see a whole bunch of people playing right into his hands.
Ignore him! Go right past his posts -- keep doing this a few times, and he'll go elsewhere where there is someone more gullible.
- From: Awe (@
on: Wed Oct 30 10:22:35 EST 2002
Karthik i don't think he is that intelligent. He is genuinely immature. That's why i had to put some sense into his head. He often needs someone tell him "there are other things in this world besides ARR".
- From: saravanan (@
on: Wed Oct 30 11:52:39 EST 2002
smk is real nice treat for IR fans.....great Raja
- From: Cheithi (@
on: Wed Oct 30 12:32:16 EST 2002
Looking forw. to ur email.
- From: kiru (@
on: Wed Oct 30 12:32:44 EST 2002
Vel.. the last two postings are not from me (check the IP address) . Just because I was not enthusiastic about certain recent albums of IR..somebody wants me to go further and say nice things about ARR. I have said all the nice things about ARR that I could in different contexts. Still some childishness left in this person.
- From: PP (@
on: Wed Oct 30 15:02:09 EST 2002
Junior Vikatan says that IR took special interest in scoring the BGM for Ramana. For someone who scores in a jiffy for films, it took 24 days for this film.
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