Topic started by Pozhudhu pogadhavan (@ 184.norcross-10rh16rt.ga.dial-access.att.net) on Fri Aug 3 14:51:33 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Well, Deva has started his carrier as Poor Man's IR. Now YSR started his carrier as Poor Man's ARR. I wish he should succeed in his attempt and become a busy MD like Deva, instead being overlooked by the industry.
- Old responses
- From: S T S (@ 63-93-100-178.oak.dial.netzero.com)
on: Fri Aug 10 23:11:56 EDT 2001
abt YSR/KR just in a nutshell tell me what ur point is.
abt YSR/KR just in a nutshell tell me what ur problem is.
- From: S T S (@ 63-93-100-178.oak.dial.netzero.com)
on: Fri Aug 10 23:16:09 EDT 2001
the ekalaivan- ashwatama example is very relevant! but some how u dragged karna into this..which i dont understand why! Well, read Mahabharatham. You will understand.
I dont care who the person is I will critisiz ARR if he ceases to musically impress me And your posting cease to impress me, to respond. Keep posting.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Sat Aug 11 02:39:28 EDT 2001
Digression :
>>KR bought me with grahan (the best hfm music of the past 2 decades) and YSR with just "ithu kaathala". I still dont know what their respective 1st movies was? I did not buy them! <<
Bharath..i too overlooked Poovellam Kettupar at first..YSR's first I think...it is really good after a few listens..u discover the nuances that make it special though it lacks the classy touches of ARR...for a start and for Tamil music..it is worth what you've paid for...ignore the opening "Poova Poova.."..though rendered by Nithyashree..its not exactly an inspiring melody but the other songs are very good."
End Digression
- From: MPR (@ ac82739e.ipt.aol.com)
on: Sat Aug 11 11:28:59 EDT 2001
'Poovellam Kettuppar' is not his first movie. I guess 'Aravindhan' was released in 1997. Here are the movies by YSR.
1. Aravindhan
2. Velai
3. Kalyana Galatta
4. Poovellam Kettuppar
5. Unakkaaga Ellam Unakkaaga
6. Dheena
7. Thulluvatho Ilama
- From: S T S (@ 66-42-0-1.oak.dial.netzero.com)
on: Sat Aug 11 11:48:28 EDT 2001
Adding Rishi to the list.
1. Aravindhan
2. Velai
3. Kalyana Galatta
4. Poovellam Kettuppar
5. Unakkaaga Ellam Unakkaaga
6. Rishi
7. Dheena
8. Thulluvatho Ilama
- From: cosmician (@
on: Sun Aug 12 06:43:08 EDT 2001
Thanks MPR and STS..I'll chk out their songs on raaga.com. I want to see what I've missed out on.
- From: Bharath (@ oneway.convex.com)
on: Mon Aug 13 11:34:16 EDT 2001
//"Aravindhan "//
was'nt arvindhan by suresh peters. (I am not sure though)
in anycase I have listened to poovellam kettupaar.
I really liked all the songs. My fav. (though most will disagree ) is "CBI yengae" :-) I dont care if its sukwinder singh but its really a kewl song.
cosmician u forgot "irava pagala" amazing song.
If thats the way u feel about it! well! I guess my (over)enthusiasm to find out what ur point was isnt reaching you well. You might think I am sort of jingoistic ...oh! well! I apologize...
- From: suresh (@
on: Mon Aug 13 23:53:34 EDT 2001
Aravindan was indeed YSRs 1st film. Pls. listen to "eera nila" from the album, a marvelously balanced score for someone that young..
- From: sssssss (@
on: Thu Aug 16 02:13:52 EDT 2001
- From: cosmician (@ cf3.emirates.net.ae)
on: Thu Aug 16 04:32:19 EDT 2001
You are right there Bharath."Irava Pagala" is also a good number...YSR has managed to match it equally well in Dheena with 'Sollamal".
- From: cosmician (@ cf3.emirates.net.ae)
on: Thu Aug 16 04:35:04 EDT 2001
And also in "CBI enge"...Sukhwinder's lilt on some words was considered cute by some hard core carnatic listeners i know...
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