Topic started by RAJAN (@ proxy-122.iap.bryant.webtv.net) on Thu Jan 22 22:20:06 EST 1998.
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- Old responses
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Tue Apr 9 10:21:32 EDT 2002
yes indeed, rnt u one of those sympathisers of the extremists, tigger. I remember u defending one of them (the important one, Ambleen) in another thread.
However, I dont have ur bad habits.
I'm neither a sympathiser of an extremist nor an extremist myself.
sabesan & tigger:
I never made attacks on ANYONE. Get tat clear. If u feel I have attacked SPM/IR wit my post, I urge u to have a look at the New Releases by ARR thread, which in recent days had many posts by IRFans having nothing nice to say about ARR. Then by ur measure, they r attacking as well. Then everyone is attacking in tis forum.
Oh wait, I forgot. By ur standards anyone attaking the muslims is ok. But if the muslim torches the Hindu, then tat's blashpemy. Isnt it how it works?
I'm amazed by ur convenient ignorance of the degrading posts made attacking ARR by ur true IR Fans Shankar (who's got the gall to call me the 'guy goes mad'), Anbudan mahabs, among many others. I spose all tat have escaped ur notice and shud now be conveniently swept under the carpet, while u guys sit here lecturing me on how I shud behave.
sabesan, I'm definitely not picking up SPM (!) nor picking on him. I jus added a spoof to his post. U have obviously missed out on the humour. If u feel tat I shud see nothing wrong wit his post, then I feel u shud see nothing wrong wit my post either. It was going along the same lines.
tigger, hope u have something better to offer tis time then 'jus forget her'.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Tue Apr 9 10:25:32 EDT 2002
In case u missed my point, wat I'm saying is tat it is ok for shankar and mahabs to criticise ARR. Since tat's what such a forum is about. We'll argue about wat's been said and leave it at tat. Likewise, I feel one is also entitled to comment upon IR. The rules dont change suddenly and become mud-slinging when it involves IR. I'll be glad if guys cud shake away ur double standards.
- From: tigger (@
on: Tue Apr 9 11:39:44 EDT 2002
obviously(!! :)) I was being sarcastic, but the analogy holds. I was equating decent IR fans to the innocent muslims. I would prefer that the 'extremist' gets attacked if they do something wrong rather than punishing the whole community. Like I mentioned elsewhere, I do understand WhyNot's policy not to make personal attacks, but is that appropriate in a forum like this? If this was a closed community, then it is OK. When whynot makes a snide comment everyone knows that it is in response to an even snider comment made somewhere else.
But this is an open forum and people come and go as they please. Suppose I am an eager-beaver music fan that appreciates all MDs but has a soft corner for IR. I just find this forum today. I am all excited, and start reading the posts. Wow! "IR's new albums". Let's see what people are saying:
"Now a days Raja is really very busy.So that's why IR do not want to score music for.... Rajini ne movie called BABA"
And didn't he also turn down the ALW musical called Bombay Dreams, the Hollywood blockbuster called Lord Of The Rings, the Kollywood film called PKS & the Bollywood movie called Devdas, all due to his extremely tight schedule?
Remember, I dont know the history of this forum. I havn't read the previous threads that catalog the attacks on ARR. Now what will I think?! Yeah, I will jump in to defend IR, and another "indecent IR fan" is born.
My examples of SPM and WhyNot's postings were pretty mild. There are others who say repeatedly that IR is "dead" etc. Now if eager-beaver fan sees that he is sure to see red, and will either waste a lot of time defending IR (if he is like whynot!) or attack the poster himself (like me).
On the other hand, if eager-beaver fan sees this:
ARR Fan: IR is dead
IR Fan: you are a moron.
ARR Fan: your momma is ugly... and so on
He will understand what's happening and move on to more interesting topics. That's why I advocate personal attacks in a forum like this. If someone says "IR is dead" I would prefer to say "you are a f**ing idiot" rather than going on and on about why I feel he (IR) is still relevant.
Now, I dont say make personal attacks all the time. It is a judgement call. if I think the comment was made in good faith I try to respond to it properly.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Tue Apr 9 11:52:55 EDT 2002
tigger, despite ur flawed argument, I am touched by ur simplicity.
:-) ur a charm.
- From: sabesan (@
on: Tue Apr 9 11:59:23 EDT 2002
tigger - man, u have put the point well across - good.....
- From: What you sow... (@
on: Tue Apr 9 12:13:26 EDT 2002
That's why I advocate personal attacks in a forum like this
enough of this nonsense, man. Now shut up and get outta here.
- From: pAmaran (@
on: Tue Apr 9 15:53:44 EDT 2002
IR to score music for (K.Balachander) Kavithalaya's to be "produced" new movie....
- From: sabesan (@
on: Tue Apr 9 16:11:53 EDT 2002
pAmaran - is this info really true ? i realllyyyyyyyyyyy doubt it - esp as its KB's productions..... i am sure it will be either ARR or some other MD.....
- From: Guru (@
on: Tue Apr 9 16:44:29 EDT 2002
Guys Where is Vijay immanuel the main keyboard player for Raja In early 90's where is he now ..he also a Guru to rahman in early 80's when rahman was working with Ilayaraja ...
- From: Guru (@
on: Tue Apr 9 16:44:38 EDT 2002
Guys Where is Vijay immanuel the main keyboard player for Raja In early 90's where is he now .?he also a Guru to rahman in early 80's when rahman was working with Ilayaraja ...
- From: Suman (@
on: Tue Apr 9 17:43:19 EDT 2002
That's an interesting news!
I thought KR was doing a Kavithalaya film.
I see the kumudam page has the Sha's and Ja's interchanged. It's funny to read! Do you see the same thing too?
- From: arun_uk (@
on: Tue Apr 9 21:47:11 EDT 2002
-sorry about the digression-
A serious query.What is your gain in first being 'nosy' and then vehemently trying to defend yourself by drawing comparison to the likes of Ambleen.I'm sure you know what I mean. A common defense tactic you employ is to try and imply that you are justified in being 'nosy' just because some xy&z from the other camp did the same......I can already hear you screaming your thoughts to me..." why have you not spent time in objecting to 'these' various posts blah blah blah...."??? Well you might have observed that I have at times objected to postings by ARR bashers in unequivocal terms. But I stay away from any dicussion involving rude or obscene comments b'cos I see no point in that.
Agreed, you do not appear to overtly make attacks. But your initial comments in response to SPM(who IMO seldom crosses anyones' path and just sticks to his guns) exude sarcasm to say the least. I am bemused by the great lengths you go to just to defend yourself for any acts of unwarranted commissions like the example above. You also appear to have taken for granted that people are daft around here with your snippets like " I jus added a spoof to his post U have obviously missed out on the humour". Yes, we all did miss the 'subtle' humour in that particular post, if that's want you really want to hear. Happy? Satisfied now?
Well, is there a note of sarcasm in my lines above?? Honestly I don't think most DFers are 'daft'& I forsee no need to defend myself for pointing out a dubious shade to your postings.
Any thoughts apart from your usual compulsion to draw comparisons? To derive from your own lines above, I am not here trying to lecture you on 'how u shud behave'...its 'how u have behaved'
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Wed Apr 10 02:01:17 EDT 2002
"What is your gain in first being 'nosy'"
Nosy in what way? Nosy in commenting upon an IR Fan's statement regarding IR's supposed rejection to do a movie which was deemed as ARR's from the first week since its announcement? Tat's not nosy. I'm sure ur not the gatekeeper here who's going to define which is my 'area' and which is not my area, where making any statements wud be deemed 'nosy'.
"and then vehemently trying to defend yourself"
I am entitled to, as is everyone else. jus as u defended urself in the above post when no one had even mentioned anything about u so far.
"Well you might have observed that I have at times objected to postings by ARR bashers in unequivocal terms"
I'm happy to hear tat. but I dont remember involving u in the previous discussion. My comments were directed to sabesan specifically. When did u come into the picture (for it to matter how ur resume in tis forum figures)?
"But your initial comments in response to SPM exude sarcasm to say the least"
duh....the sarcasm was intended. So? Wat's ur point? My intention was to highlight the irony in SPM's post and I am satisfied at having achieved tat. I knew before I clicked on 'post' tat I'll be getting a bunch of people like u telling me the obvious (ur post is sarcastic--oh really? thks for letting me know; webulagam said so--yeah, tat's the bible for us isnt it?; uve bashed IR--yeah whatever)
"Yes, we all did miss the 'subtle' humour in that particular post"
honestly, I did expect 'all of u' (whoever 'all' means by ur definition) to miss the humour. The humour was meant for people who saw it my way.
"I am not here trying to lecture you on 'how u shud behave'...its 'how u have behaved'"
Acting on the assumption tat ur 'daft' enuf, may I point out to ur 'highness' (using ur own term) tat ur highness is in no way entitled to lecture me (on how I shud behave/have behaved/will be behaving/is behaving right now), cos ur highness is not my annan, naina, maaman or machan.
So pls bug off ur highness.
btw, to save u the trouble, I already know my above post is sarcastic.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Wed Apr 10 02:04:13 EDT 2002
"for any acts of unwarranted commissions like the example above"
whether my post was unwarranted or otherwise rests in ur opinion.
IMO, both SPM's comments and ur post above are unwarranted.
And my opinion shud matter as much (or as little) as ur opinion.
- From: S.P MAHENDRAN (@
on: Wed Apr 10 04:07:23 EDT 2002
See more Pictures about the movie Solla Marantha Kathai at:-
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