IR copied vande maatharam in kilakkum Merkum - Kumudam latest issue.
The movie review of kilakkum Merkum says that IR lifted ARR's Vande maatharam music in the movie's BGM. Can anyone who have seen the movie Confirm this.?? Thanks
Topic started by MSK (@ dhcp-877019741.qualcomm.com) on Tue Feb 10 14:12:54 EST 1998.
All times in EDT/EST +9:30/10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: aruLarasan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Tue Mar 17 10:32:20 EST 1998
Warning: Digression as usual.
There is a flaw in the basic assumption made my yOga bAlAji. He "seems" to think
that just by being a "paththirigai" an institution gains that inviolable asset called
paththirigai chudhandhiram and that that is the ultimate value that humanity has
discovered. With all due respect for free-speech (of which paththirigai chudhandhiram
is only a small portion), I wish to state my opinion that after all, a review,
at a fundamental level is nothing more than an opinion and that anybody can criticize
it, however stupid the criticism be. bAlAji, your reference to pahthtirigai chudhandhiram
is applicable only in relation censorship (like the grossly distorted news we
get about kashmir and northeastern states and pakisthan, etc. - just few examples;
and we never seem to care about any of these real problems - as we say we live in
a cosmetic society; sorry for these apparently irrelevant remarks)
and a paththirigai should be answerable to all statement it makes. So I don't find
anything wrong or "unpious" in this discussion where few of us just asked
kumudham to explain the statement it made about something we all like. Statements like "kumdhaththai udhai" etc. should be taken in a light vein.
No offense to anyone: Personality cult in any disguise is an assault on freedom.
- From: MSK (@ dhcp-877019741.qualcomm.com)
on: Tue Mar 17 10:50:57 EST 1998
Hello Balaji.,
Thanks for u'r response. But I still don't get u'r point ! Forget abt IR and his Music.
Should'nt a magazine publish a correction for it's Blunder.?? Should'nt it verify the facts.? If u say criticising a "popular" magazine on the net is bad, then a Magazine which is on the net should know better before publishing any crap.!
Okay, let's leave that! Now it knows that the comment it made in that review is controversial and even the editor is not sure of the real facts. So it should abstain from using that bogus fact.! Go take a look at the latest issue . They have again made a sarcastic remark about IR on the same subject. Are u going to justify this also as commercial. So it will keep making such remarks and u mean to say that we should accept that in the name of Commercialisation.!
If press has freedom, it also has equal "responsibility " and accountability.!
Suppose kumudam writes something untrue about you, Will u accept it saying that it is a popular "commercial" magazine .?? remember ,the magazine has not criticised IR's music but has cast a remark on his business ethics.!!
I guess we have been used to taking things that the press says w/o any question. If it's on print then that it something unshakeable .! God save us!
Comments welcome.!
- From: bs (@ www1.access.bt.com)
on: Tue Mar 17 16:51:16 EST 1998
I'm with MSK..These glossy magazines survive on kisu kisu and producing controversial news.. We could have taken the first news as just another thing to stuff in the kisu kisu column eventhough it was a deplorable act on part of Kumudam.. This second jab at IR is as though Kumudam is sure about their allegations & also the people are very sure of it..Intha kisu kisu sectionla (like Kumudam Lights on) indirecta than thakkuvanga for eg: Muruganin per konda nadigan etc.. which the people who follow TFWorld would know for sure who is the person referred to.. If U see in this context it becomes that any person can identify the indirect pointer VandeMataram referrs to IR...Is this not mudslinging a respectable person & brainwashing people into think that IR is a copymaster??? This is what the people in this forum criticize..Athu periya pathrigai ana enna chinna pathrigai ana enna??? Everybody tells IR has shandai with all directors,actors etc.. etc.. Do we know what really happened?? Everything is built using the smokescreen created by these magazines who derive sadistic pleasure in bringing down clean & straightforward personalities, who are rare in cinefield..The no: of entries in this thread will be most satisfying for these sadistic people.. But I'm at least happy that I have expressed my feelings very well knowing that it is impossible to change the workstyle of these people..
- From: Rajesh (@ pdxss902.jf.intel.com)
on: Tue Mar 17 19:12:26 EST 1998
To hell with Kumudam. I don't know what's wrong with these people. The latest dig at IR was totally unnecessary. It gives an impression as though IR is surviving because of ARR. As though wahtever he does, it is an inspiration from Vande Mataram. It is news like these that makes IR fans not listen to ARR. You can appreciate ARR but to go way beyond that and say IR is copying from ARR
in a totally different context is too much. And Mr. Yoga talks about pathirigai sudandhiram. Thats exactly my wish too. When they are given that freedom, it is highly expected that they do their duty with sincerity. Anybody can write garbage news. Even that is freedom of expression. What distinguishes good magazines from bad is how authentic and honest they are in their news.
The review on KM was not that bad compared to this. I would expect a fair review to have credited with excellent music for the songs and add the BGM comment. If someone reads the review, it would give a feeling that it is a remix of ARR stuff. Fine, it is their point of view. But the latest one, I cant even make a connection with Vandhe madaram comment. So is he trying to say, these songs will be like ARRs. Or is he trying to say that so long as VM is there, IR can remix tunes. Criticisms can be welcomed but not sarcasm. And a magazine that can cast aspersions on a genius with such sarcasm cannot talk about good journalism. They can very well talk about cheap tactics and commercialisation.
- From: Shanth (@ du-2-165.netaxis.com)
on: Tue Mar 17 23:14:45 EST 1998
Yoga...what do you say ?? Do you agree with MSK and arularasan....
- From: MSK (@ dhcp-877019741.qualcomm.com)
on: Tue Mar 24 15:31:23 EST 1998
Hi All IR Fans.,
Pls check out
for a comparison of the audio clips of VM and Kilakkum Merkum BGM.
- From: sree (@ cricket.cs.concordia.ca)
on: Tue Mar 24 23:05:34 EST 1998
Hi MSK ,and All IR Fans,
After comparing the two .wav files repeatively
(i dont know how many no of times i compared ,certainly plenty of times),I can say that there is NO RESEMBLENCE between the two beats.Well if KUMUDAM still insists on it by using some really *CHEAP* ways then we can write a letter to Kumudum's Editor.
Thanks MSK for taking such an effort and i congratulate him on behalf of all IR fans(which includes him).
- From: MSK (@ dhcp-877019741.qualcomm.com)
on: Wed Mar 25 11:38:27 EST 1998
Some after listening to this came up with a question "whether I am comparing the correct ones . the peice reffered by kumudam.? "
I watched the entire movie. I recorded all the peices that apparently seemed to have a similarility . The drum beat in the first clip is the one that comes in 3 -4 places . All other peices are no way related. (Flute etc..) . That is the reason i added another clip in the bottom that has some more peices.
- From: AR rahman fan (@ )
on: Sun Nov 24 12:45:09 EST 2002
Illayaraja foot-tapper leads BBC World Service Top 10
Adi Rakamma featured in Dalapati, Mani Ratnam's runaway hit of the Nineties
N Sathiya Moorthy in Chennai
Adi Rakkamma, kaiya thattu, the foot-tapper rendered by S P Balasubramaniam and Swarnalatha, from Mani Ratnam's Tamil megahit Dalapati, starring Rajnikanth, leads BBC World Service's Top Ten list for the 70th anniversary celebrations.
Illayaraja scored the music for the film, a runaway hit in the Nineties.
Also on the Top Ten list, based on entries from 112 countries, are two other Indian songs. One is Vande Mataram, composed and sung by A R Rahman, at the fifth slot. Another Rahman-scorer Chaiyya chaiyya is at the seventh place.
The Indian three are from among the 1,000-odd songs in pop and rap, Western classical and African tribals listed in thousands of votes that have thus far been recorded.
The final list will be run by BBC World Service December 21, according to a BBC release.
- From: AR rahman fan (@
on: Sun Nov 24 12:45:35 EST 2002
Illayaraja foot-tapper leads BBC World Service Top 10
Adi Rakamma featured in Dalapati, Mani Ratnam's runaway hit of the Nineties
N Sathiya Moorthy in Chennai
Adi Rakkamma, kaiya thattu, the foot-tapper rendered by S P Balasubramaniam and Swarnalatha, from Mani Ratnam's Tamil megahit Dalapati, starring Rajnikanth, leads BBC World Service's Top Ten list for the 70th anniversary celebrations.
Illayaraja scored the music for the film, a runaway hit in the Nineties.
Also on the Top Ten list, based on entries from 112 countries, are two other Indian songs. One is Vande Mataram, composed and sung by A R Rahman, at the fifth slot. Another Rahman-scorer Chaiyya chaiyya is at the seventh place.
The Indian three are from among the 1,000-odd songs in pop and rap, Western classical and African tribals listed in thousands of votes that have thus far been recorded.
The final list will be run by BBC World Service December 21, according to a BBC release.
- From: AR rahman fan (@
on: Sun Nov 24 12:45:39 EST 2002
Illayaraja foot-tapper leads BBC World Service Top 10
Adi Rakamma featured in Dalapati, Mani Ratnam's runaway hit of the Nineties
N Sathiya Moorthy in Chennai
Adi Rakkamma, kaiya thattu, the foot-tapper rendered by S P Balasubramaniam and Swarnalatha, from Mani Ratnam's Tamil megahit Dalapati, starring Rajnikanth, leads BBC World Service's Top Ten list for the 70th anniversary celebrations.
Illayaraja scored the music for the film, a runaway hit in the Nineties.
Also on the Top Ten list, based on entries from 112 countries, are two other Indian songs. One is Vande Mataram, composed and sung by A R Rahman, at the fifth slot. Another Rahman-scorer Chaiyya chaiyya is at the seventh place.
The Indian three are from among the 1,000-odd songs in pop and rap, Western classical and African tribals listed in thousands of votes that have thus far been recorded.
The final list will be run by BBC World Service December 21, according to a BBC release.
- From: x (@
on: Mon Nov 25 23:20:28 EST 2002
MSK u may be an ARR fan....
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