Topic started by RAJAN (@ proxy-122.iap.bryant.webtv.net) on Thu Jan 22 22:20:06 EST 1998.
All times in EDT/EST +9:30/10:30 for IST.
A new Ilayaraja album is a cause for celebration with many among us. Let everyone share in the revelry. Review, discuss or comment on new IR albums.
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- Old responses
- From: Teja (@
on: Mon Aug 19 15:06:18 EDT 2002
I am sure you will love Sitara movie. I am not sure if it is dubbbed into tamil. That movie is Bhanupriya's first film and it won a National award and an award for S Janaki for the best playback and several state awards. After that, Bhanupriya, Vamsy and Ilayaraja combo became popular and there are quite a few classics from them. Infact, IR's brother Amaran used several BGM tracks from Sitara in his telugu film 'Swarakalpana' (by Vamsy) and some other films.
If I may recommend, you can also try watching these films for their excellent BGMs..
- Maharshi (by Vamsy again, it's Shanthi priya's first film- she was introduced as Nishanthi) ..the title music is simply awesome. Probably the best title music for a telugu film and one of the IR's best on par with GopuraVaasayile.
- Nireekshana by Balumahendra (Archana). The theme music of this film is excellent.
I can recommend some more if u are interested.
End DIG:
- From: Kupps (@
on: Tue Aug 20 00:08:12 EDT 2002
Are Yaar,
As I understand from rajni fans(my friends) BGM is by sabesh-murali. Those fans have seen the movie. I have not yet. Are you sure that ARR did the BGM??
Regd. Honest fans:
There are many IR fans like arul, kiru etc who won't hesitate in pointing out their dislikes in IR albums (im not sure whether arul or kiru has pointed out that sort of their "dislikes" in albums like devan, but we can find many people who are like arul, kiru, NagaS, etc. who did for devan). Fortunately or Unfortunately, i guess, you treat them as the so called "unbiased" music fans. So you don't take their "dislikes" as "honest" opinions from an IR Fan. But at the same time expect a few other set of IR fans to say some of IR's releases are "not good", where you know that they won't (please remember that their liking for albums like devan might be GENIUNE). But finally opine that you could find only one HONEST IR FAN. Its simply deceiving yourselves(IMHO). I can also point out many fans of ARR who have said something like "BABA is great at the first listening itself. ARR is GOD" (may not be exactly same word by a single person). What to say about those fans? That time people quote Aruls, Kirus of ARR fandom and show that ARR Fans are HONEST enough to accept the fact that BABA fall short of the expectation NEVERTHELESS APPEALED AFTER COUPLE OF LISTENING. Is it called as choosy reporting? BTW wherever i have used "you" is not intend to point you(Are Yaar). It is general statement on all those who feel on IR fans like you(Are Yaar).
The fact is we are people of same mentality. We have X1, X2, X3 who like A with variying degree of liking and we have Y1, Y2, Y3 who like B with variying degree of liking. Thats all.
Please forgive me if i were harsh. It is not intended.
- From: WN (@
on: Tue Aug 20 05:48:34 EDT 2002
kupps, stop rambling. Wat's ur point? If u can point out ARR fans who r like X, Y and Z, go ahead and point them out. No one is doubting ur pointing skills. Tat doesnt change the fact there r jalralah cases in tis thread. Nor does it change tat I (among others) r entitled to our opinions on others post. eg. kiru is honest, some others r not.
"Please refrain from commenting on the comments."
Unless ur posting from the IP add, in which case u can comment others comments on others comments and then preach to others not to comment on others comments.
"Is that includes u too???!!"
Yes saran, tat includes me.
For one, I have been dishonest in the past when I said i liked Azhagi. Apart from one song, the rest were mediocre IMHO.
"I am really wondering why Ivann has been specifically left out by WN in the above post? Frankly, seems like a "revenge" like approach to find bad albums"
Dear Fraud, is tis the mother of all Freudian slips? Have u then concluded tat those tat I did mention (Devan & En Mana) are "bad albums"??
:) i rest my case.
"There was never big expectations of Devan nor a big hype."
True, i wudnt have expected much from Devan either. but some people in tis forum told me tat after Kaasi & Azhagi, IR had become the reigning king of mass popularity hit, and being the silly naive me, I almost believed them.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Tue Aug 20 06:22:25 EDT 2002
I dont want to start another fight (seems that mine would do). Still I just want to clarify a few things.
I am NOT saying that there are NO Jalaras. I am saying that some see ONLY Jalaras. Jalaras are there in all sides. Hence it is useless to talk and fight about it. PERIOD.
- From: K (@
on: Tue Aug 20 06:59:13 EDT 2002
Irrespective of whether you think I am honest or not (and I've indicated in a lot of other posts that if you chose to call me dishonest based on my liking an album that may not have appealed to you would just exhibit one's ignorance of differences in tastes and preferences rather than anything else), I really liked Devan. I loved "thalattum Katre" and "Ezhai Geetham" and found sexy bomb very hummable.
- From: WN (@
on: Tue Aug 20 07:16:12 EDT 2002
"if you chose to call me dishonest based on my liking an album that may not have appealed to you would just exhibit one's ignorance of differences in tastes and preferences rather than anything else"
well said kk.
but there r IR Fans here who called the DFers in Baba thread immature and other (much worse names) simply bcos they said something like they liked 3 or 4 of the songs or bcos they found the album good overall. Worse yet, they argued they had the right to call names. Among them r some of the honorable regulars in tis thread, not all of whom have the guts to post wit a regular name.
My saying kiru's is an honest opinion is mild, but see how it upsets everyone here?
Well I hope for some time to come, we can maintain a truce.
Or else, as u all probably know, all hell will be loose.
- From: WN (@
on: Tue Aug 20 07:17:59 EDT 2002
sorry, tat was K, not kk.
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Tue Aug 20 07:37:58 EDT 2002
I donno why people fight for somebody's likings and dislikings. Actually there is no sense in that. The bottom line truth is your own likings. With that, keep a big full stop. No body has any right to argue on somebody's likings.
- From: sabesan (@
on: Tue Aug 20 07:50:07 EDT 2002
Fliflo - neenga "KOORAAI MELAA ERI" ninnu sonnallum yarrukkum puriadhu.... so lets enjoy it man :-).....
- From: Vel (@
on: Tue Aug 20 08:41:19 EDT 2002
Start digression
If anyone here is interested in carnatic stuff (IR's songs), pls visit link below.
End digression.
- From: UV (@
on: Tue Aug 20 09:37:22 EDT 2002
Vel good link
Very interesting website
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Tue Aug 20 09:50:27 EDT 2002
Vel: This link is very educative for me..Thanks
- From: geeth (@
on: Tue Aug 20 10:00:05 EDT 2002
Vel, its an exciting website. Thanks for the reference. Need time to understand Tao.
- From: aruLaracan (@
on: Tue Aug 20 13:34:43 EDT 2002
im not sure whether arul or kiru has pointed out that sort of their "dislikes" in albums like devan kupps: i dont think i have listened to devan yet; even if i have, i must have forgotten the songs.
- From: Aswathama (@
on: Tue Aug 20 14:06:51 EDT 2002
Read here an important discussion between Rajini and Director Selvamani regarding Maestro. This clearly proves Rajini needs some one for his marketability.
- From: Aswathama (@
on: Tue Aug 20 14:10:56 EDT 2002
Read some more g8 news about Maestro
- From: Aswathama (@
on: Tue Aug 20 14:12:15 EDT 2002
here is the link
- From: vem (@
on: Tue Aug 20 16:25:29 EDT 2002
if that link (talk betweek RK and RKS) is accurate, then it becomes clear why RAjini preferred other MDs after Uzhaippali.
(i guess that is the last IR-RK movie).
- From: Teja (@
on: Tue Aug 20 17:25:24 EDT 2002
I would appreciate if anyone translates that article to english. A couple of lines of zist is fine. It would help non tamil IR fans like me.
- From: AG (@
on: Tue Aug 20 17:38:04 EDT 2002
Let me give a try ...
RK : Selvamani, let's do 'Batsha'. Shall we have ARR as MD?
RKS : No. Let's have IR as MD.
RK : me-RK-ARR would be a new combination and there will be craze because of that.
RKS : No. I am working regularly with IR. How can I do that?
RK : Why, won't IR do a film without you? Friendship is independant of business. They need not go together.
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Tue Aug 20 19:27:18 EDT 2002
More on Raja's En Mana Vaanil music:
- From: Teja (@
on: Tue Aug 20 19:27:35 EDT 2002
Thanks AG.
- From: K (@
on: Tue Aug 20 22:55:01 EDT 2002
I used to be a big fan of Rajni - will get into big arguements with people about him, for him..But I am very disappointed at what Rajni said to RK Selvamani.
What is more appaling to me is this is after "Veera" where both the songs and the movie were mega hits.
The only thing that came out of this for me was I always wondered who out of two favorite stars (IR and Rajni) were the most favorite...The answer is clearly IR
- From: geeth (@
on: Wed Aug 21 03:24:50 EDT 2002
AG, you missed the last point in RK's dialogue. He completes the sentence by saying ' we should give what people are expecting'. And after a few silent moments RK said 'its your choice'.
it also shows that RK at that point of time felt that people's choice was turning to ARR rather than IR and hence insisting on having ARR as the MD. but finally he couldn't get ARR too for Baatsha (and still the choice did not go to IR).
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