Topic started by tigger (@ on Wed Nov 21 15:45:39 EST 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
top ten reasons why IR is better than ARR:
1. Raja's music is like a 5-course meal but he prepares it like fast food. Rahman's music is like fast food but he prepares it like a 5-course meal.
2. Raja's music is like Coke - the real thing. Take it or leave it - but think of tinkering around with it to make it more palatable and fans would be horrified (people familiar with New Coke's disastrous introduction in 1985 and it's subsequent withdrawal will understand better what I mean). Rahman's music is like Pepsi, definitely the choice of a new generation, but coke fans will never really understand what it is that people like about Pepsi - ughh!.
3. Raja can compose a tune at the drop of a hat, but the song is so unique and the various sounds blend so well that you feel as if God intended the song to be that way and there is no way you will accept it any way else. Rahman takes ages to give that right 'impromptu' touch to his songs - and changing most of his tunes (very few of his songs are pretty good and therefore fit the do-not-change criteria) will not cause me to lose much sleep.
4. Raja's music is like a perfect wife - nice to be with, comfy, goes above and beyond to take care of your needs, and usually exceeds expectations. Rahman's music is like a typical wife, when she's good, she's great(kannodu kaanbathallaam), but when she's in one of her moods, she can be terrible and you feel like yelling "shut the **** up" (minsaara kanna - jeez, shut the **** up!)
5. Raja's music pulls at your heartstrings, Rahman's makes you want to shake an arm and a leg but doesn't quite reach your heart.
6. Raja's music is so unique, ARR is repetitive for the most part.
OK, #6 was lame, but I wanted to write atleast 6 points.
- Old responses
- From: neutral_fan (@
on: Mon Dec 3 04:09:45 EST 2001
dearest & loveable WHYNOT...its got classic & romantic way of thinking is not equivalent to left/right brain science.
Yes, Left-brained is logical, sequential, rational, objective while right-brained is subjective, intuitive, holistic, random. But even when working out complex mathematics (that needs your left brain), a romantic sees the inherent life within all those numbers, and feels the pulsating harmonics within all those complex equations. But in the same context a classic might miss out the inherent beauty that lies in a musical symphony or modern art just because he is too busy wondering what instruments would have made this music better (since he thinks it is in the instruments), what paints could have been used (since he believes it all depends merely on the choice of paints) on the canvass, thus missing out the essence in the music/painting. Hope this tells you a subtle point about the classic/romantic divide when it comes to music appreciation?
- From: tigger (@
on: Mon Dec 3 10:47:05 EST 2001
WhyNot, you seem to be one of those guys who like to be slapped around:) You make so many statements that leave you so vulnerable to counterattacks.
...natural breeze lasts for a few minutes b4 they die off. Then it's a new breeze altogether next season. (I'm sure u know basic geography). A/c systems are replaced in the same way....
I said that the breeze is natural and an ac is artificial. that would make sense to most people. I think I assume you understand this but were in the mood for some light banter, so went into a long-winded description of how an ac works. Let me ask you this, if a breeze is replaced the same way as an ac why do you just say sea-breeze? why dont you say 1999 sea breeze, or 2000 sea breeze. Heck, you can also throw in a model number while you are at it. I can imagine WhyNot and No Jalra sitting on the beach drinking.
WN: this year's breeze sucks. How do we pick up chicks with this kind of breeze..
NJ: huh...., let's exchange it for the 1998 breeze. That one rocked..
WN: dude, you are smart, heh, heh! Maybe we will get to score after that.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Mon Dec 3 11:19:58 EST 2001
tigger and tigger's lost buddy sitting in the office surfing the net instead of working.
tigger: this year's ac sucks. How do we pick up chicks with this kind of ac draft..
tigger's lost buddy: huh...., let's exchange it for the 1998 model. That one rocked..
tigger: dude, you are smart, heh, heh! Maybe we will get to score after that.
Epilogue: But they still failed miserably. :-))
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Mon Dec 3 11:51:38 EST 2001
Just to add tigger, for certain biological reasons, I'm not into the habit of picking up 'chicks'. :-)
- From: tigger (@
on: Tue Dec 4 13:19:46 EST 2001
.....Just to add tigger, for certain biological reasons, I'm not into the habit of picking up 'chicks'. :-)....
Ah, I should have realized that when neutral fan kept hitting on you.
BTW Dearest and lovable WhyNot :), as a response to trend's query I am planning to start a new thread inviting comparisons between MSV and IR from the perspective of an MSV fan. Maybe there have been discussions on this, but for my own satisfaction I want to start a new one. As a prelude to that I would like to get what you think are the most outrageous statements made in all seriousness by IR fans. Note, I am not talking about moronic comments that the writer himself/herself knows is moronic. As an example of what I want: some of the statements you made (as an ARR fan) that I absolutely disagreed with were:
....I don't think tat producing jeevan in Tamil songs is a skill tat is the sole 'copyright' of any particular md. ARR, IR, BW, KR, all have jeevan in their songs as far as I'm concerned....
...ARR interludes are nicer. Yes, again my PO. But wait, tat's not all. When i had an IR fave, I used to record songs from the radio and leave out the interludes. I'll never do tat for a ARR song...
This was so outrageous I felt like pulling you up and slapping you around. Really :)
- From: Trend (@
on: Tue Dec 4 14:51:43 EST 2001
"This was so outrageous I felt like pulling you up and slapping you around. Really :)"
Looks like there is too much male bonding in this page.:)
"I don't think tat producing jeevan in Tamil songs is a skill tat is the sole 'copyright' of any particular md. ARR, IR, BW, KR, all have jeevan in their songs as far as I'm concerned.... "
What makes you disagree with this "copyright" issue?Just curious..
- From: Bharath (@
on: Tue Dec 4 16:25:59 EST 2001
dude! u guys funny!
this thread funny!
(picture kamal haasan in naakaan sayin)
- From: Nayakan's grandson a.k.a Trend (@
on: Tue Dec 4 16:34:19 EST 2001
Neenga nallvaraa?Kettavaraa?:-)
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Tue Dec 4 16:40:27 EST 2001
Seeing trends face once, then looking up, putting right hand on forehead...with broken tone..chewing beetle leaves mildly ..the answer comes...
- From: Trend (@
on: Tue Dec 4 16:45:00 EST 2001
- From: Kupps (@
on: Wed Dec 5 00:58:01 EST 2001
key board: tlang ta tanta tanta tan tananan
flute: lu lu looo lu looo
tabla: du du du du daNnku tak
IR/Kamal: thenpaandi cheemayila thaerodum
veediyila maa(n)poola vandhavana
IR re-recording for Fliflo, WhyNot, Trend related scene narrated above.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Wed Dec 5 01:07:48 EST 2001
>>As a prelude to that I would like to get what you think are the most outrageous statements made in all seriousness by IR fans.<<
- From: raycas (@
on: Wed Dec 5 12:10:15 EST 2001
"thenpaandi cheemayila thaerodum
veediyila maa(n)poola vandhavana
one of my most favourite songs...could someone help me with the lyrics? what does this mean, what kamal/IR sings?
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Wed Dec 5 12:46:55 EST 2001
thenpaandi cheemayila ...the name of a place/ location
veediyila ...the street
thaerodum ...where the chariots run
maa(n)poola ...like a deer
vandhavana ...he who came
yaaradichcharo...who could have hurt him (yaar means who and adichar means to hit someone and 'aaro' turns it to a queation).
ie, in the place called thenpandu cheemai, where the chariots travel on the streets, he who came like a deer, who has hurt you?
Hope tat helps :-) But can't guarantee accuracy, as my Tamil is pretty shabby. Hope someone else can confirm.
BTW, do u know how to speak malayalam?
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Wed Dec 5 12:57:08 EST 2001
raycas, i just saw ur reply in the wierd chorus thread. Thx. So u do know how to speak malayalam.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Sat Dec 8 14:05:39 EST 2001
Well tigger, though u did not give me any explanation for your strange request, I decided, what the heck, I'll do you the favour of listing ""what (I) think are the most outrageous statements made in all seriousness by IR fans.""
Here we go:
1.>>rahmans music is like a air conditioner----cools u artificially
raaja'a music is like the breeze of nature -----brings happiness and peace which is not short lived<< by dinesh.
2.>>yes because he is totally incapable of thinking & conceiving a song in totality...he can only move in bits & pieces<< by neutral fan, on ARR
3.>>Raja's music is like a perfect wife - nice to be with, comfy, goes above and beyond to take care of your needs, and usually exceeds expectations. Rahman's music is like a typical wife, when she's good, she's great(kannodu kaanbathallaam), but when she's in one of her moods, she can be terrible and you feel like yelling "shut the **** up" (minsaara kanna - jeez, shut the **** up!)<< that annoyed me for more than 1 reason.
4.>>Raja's music is like Coke - the real thing. Take it or leave it - but think of tinkering around with it to make it more palatable and fans would be horrified (people familiar with New Coke's disastrous introduction in 1985 and it's subsequent withdrawal will understand better what I mean). Rahman's music is like Pepsi, definitely the choice of a new generation, but coke fans will never really understand what it is that people like about Pepsi - ughh!.<< tigger, I love both coke and ARR. Don’t make me choose, ok.
5.>>Dont get frustrated! I can understand ur feelings. IR can never get as good as ARR. Tough luck!!<< by Brinda. That sucks.
Hope I've done a good job. :-)
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Sat Dec 8 14:14:22 EST 2001
BTW, in case if there's any confusion, the last one sucks (IMHO) tho it's not exactly by an IR fan. :)
- From: tigger (@
on: Mon Dec 10 14:06:48 EST 2001
WhyNot, thanks for your list. I will need some time to create the new thread because I am so far behind on my 'things to do' both at work and at home that it will take me a week to 10 days to get back to normal. I was almost at the point of deciding that I am not going to post anymore here due to lack of time, but then decided that these interactions are quite useful atleast for me, plus I didn't want to give you the satisfaction of saying good riddance! :))
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Mon Dec 17 07:56:45 EST 2001
No worries mate, take ur time.
>>I didn't want to give you the satisfaction of saying good riddance! :))<<
Of course I wudn't say tat. It's nice to have some thick-skinned HCIRfans out there for entertainment. Plus u r alot better than some neutral u-know-whos lurking around, ready to pounce any time. :-)
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